In the right place
You’re at work and can’t wait to finish so you don’t have to see anyone, to be with your family, and finally disconnect from the world. You finish work and feel sad because you no longer know how to disconnect, to be with your family, and to stop seeing everyone. And you don’t know what to do with that space where you sometimes find yourself forced to be alone with yourself.
Never feeling completely in the right place is the echo of great, underlying questions: “Who am I?”, “What am I doing here?”. Because at first, finding the right place mainly means finding it inside, searching for the answers within. And until you sincerely do that, your story will seem made of forced choices, endured situations, and chased emergencies, and you will never truly feel it as your own.
So, every year, at the height of disorientation, autumn arrives—the season in which more than any other, these questions feel at home. The Universe designed it specifically to take us by the hand…
I accept its invitation, and after a long summer spent in the Netherlands, Armenia, remote communities, and wonderful seminars, I set off again, meeting pilgrims from the online Academy and in Italy in Genoa, Milan, Rome, Vicenza, Livorno, Bologna, Sorrento… wherever there’s someone with a cloak and a staff, who has set out in search of themselves.
Thanks to Eish Shaok – The Supreme Synergy Path for this network of eccentrics that is contributing to weave something great. Come around the fire, for we really need it.
A sincere hug.