Personality Test
Wise Personality
Low Octave
Sages in the lower octave occupy, or strive to occupy, the position of counsellors and teachers of life with great constancy. Intelligence, experience and knowledge are the pillars that sustain them in their dominant position and lead their mental activity to be directed on a simple basic principle: ‘We are always right’. These masks therefore consider their own viewpoint superior to that of others and always have an elaborate alternative opinion on any subject. The Sages also, because of their strong pride, like to receive criticism less than others and when faced with a problem try to impose their own solution with the support of logic, cunning and the mass of information acquired over the years. For all these reasons and the resulting identification with the mind, the masculine principle clearly prevails in them. In every mask, however, there are always differences between the image it wants to give on the outside and how it really feels on the inside. The Sage is in fact characterised by a subtle and well-hidden insecurity that leads him to seek confirmation in the judgements of others and to frequently ask to be reminded of and acknowledge his qualities. For these reasons, the ideal partner sought is most often the Altruist.
With regard to percentage, this is one of the most common Masks in the population, estimated at just under twenty-five percent.
High Octave
In the high octave, the qualitative leap in the relationships the Sage has with himself and with the outside world is enormous. In fact, in this transformation this Mask learns to do something he would never have done before, except rarely: to listen sincerely to the words of others. The sense of superiority is here totally abandoned for the benefit of service and sincere support. It thus happens that when the river of life brings the Sage the company of others, these can consequently benefit greatly. Those who find themselves in the vicinity of a high octave of this kind in fact discover a profound point of reference, aware of the dynamics of our existences and always open to direct confrontation and understanding.
Selfish Personality
Low Octave
The Selfish are those who build their reputation on economic power, physical strength or any other material means that make them beautiful, rich and famous or at least allow them to achieve or flaunt these characteristics. Among the masks are certainly those who have a more intense relationship with material goods and body-related experiences. These people are convinced that to really get to know someone it is necessary to assess what they desire and what they possess. The most extreme and obvious examples of this category are entrepreneurs with luxury cars and a nice house, body builders, ladies dressed to the nines with hundreds of shoes in their wardrobes, tattooed people for fashion, selfie addicts, kids with souped-up engines and loud music accompanying them on the street. In their relationships with others, Egoists in the lower octave remain predominantly self-centred and this leads them to focus the attention of the people around them on themselves, similarly to Sages. Unlike this category, however, the Selfish build their own image and that of their fellows above all on the material qualities they possess. The need for recognition thus translates into them seeking out companions who can live up to a rich and socially desirable life or at least help them strive for it. Stubbornness and a full awareness of their own supposed capabilities support this Mask and often give it an arrogant air.
The Egoists comprise nearly twenty percent of the human population and are identified primarily with the male principle.
High Octave
In the high octave the Egotists are true patrons and financiers of others’ projects and ideas. As a result, they prove to be perfect allies and partners who always know how to find the best ways to ‘enter’ into society and learn how to make a difference in every sphere and sector.
Selfless Personality
Low Octave
Altruists are those who always do their best for others, especially the weaker ones. If there is housework to be done, errands of some kind or charity to be given to others, they are constantly in the front row. They have a marked feminine principle in them and devote all their actions and behaviour to harmony, deep or superficial, inner and outer. This personality type seeks to secure a reputation as a good person, sweet and attentive to everyone’s needs even more than to their own. He loves to be in the family, or at least in the company of others, and becomes an important support and confessor of emotions and secrets. Given all these reasons, then, for those seeking a hug or comfort from their woes, the altruist becomes a veritable goldmine. In the lower octave, Altruists are characterised by insecurity and concern in their relationships with others. This feeling gives rise to a desire to forge bonds that are as stable and long-lasting as possible and a great fear of seeing them end. To remain alone and without an emotionally satisfying context is considered by these masks as a great failure and they are willing to do anything to avoid it. In this level of egoic personality, the ideal partner, whether working or intimate, often turns out to be the Sage, who allows the couple to find a complementarity to their own idea of security and defence against the outside world.
The Sage is the ideal partner, whether working or intimate, for the couple.
As a percentage, it is one of the most present Masks in the population and could be found in about thirty percent of individuals.
High Octave
In the high octave the Altruist is characterised by sincere and emotionally rich bonds. His capacity to love unconditionally is total and the bond he manages to express towards life envelops and deeply overwhelms every other person. Need for recognition and fear of death, which previously held sway, are here profoundly overcome and the Altruist becomes the embodiment of brotherhood and harmony itself. An avatar (from Sanskrit ava: down, tri: to pass; divine incarnation) sent to Earth to open hearts.
Eremite Personality
Low Octave
Hermits are people who run away from responsibility or who do not appreciate it at all. A hermit’s most cherished goal might be to live alone, perhaps in a distant land and doing his own work or at least work that does not require the management of others or power of some kind. For this category, the relationship with art and the transmission, through it, of one’s world view is often fundamental. The examples associated with the Hermit mask are those who are usually labelled as ‘alternative’ and as those who tend to go outside the mainstream. It is also useful to specify here that the Hermit most often has a good relationship with himself and seeks within himself those answers that other Masks strive to find in external society. Because of these two characteristics, Hermits are a very present personality category in the spiritual sphere. In the lower octave, Hermits do not willingly enter into deep relationships with other people and lock themselves within their own worldview. Even in the case of a life spent forcibly in the company of many masks, their attitude is found to be reserved and little inclined to real openness. The fear of failure plays a fundamental role in this category and accompanies their isolation from society and the difficulty of expression with the outside world. It is therefore no coincidence that many of the great artists in our history had great personal problems: art was for them the best way to escape from the world and also the most effective way to stay in it.
Percentually we are no more than about fifteen per cent human.
High octave
In the high octave, Hermits totally change their relationship with the world and, through their art, give it their most beautiful works. People find in them an inimitable charm and a vision of life marvellously free from any stable egoic scheme. Imagination and great sensitivity lead these masks to the design of a new way of seeing reality, lead them to visions of a different Humanity and to the ingenious resolution of problems insurmountable to anyone else.
Losing Personality
.Low Octave
Losers have all their lives felt like the last on the list, those least considered or least deserving of attention. These people have the nice habit of complaining daily about every unfortunate event that has happened to them and consider life a kind of bet already lost at the start. Their experiences are unsuccessful and painful from almost every point of view, or at least that is what they tell us. Particularly low self-esteem and a zeroed-out sense of serious resourcefulness characterise the Losers and lead them to constantly ask for help or even to have no hope of rising again. In the low octave, Losers demand extreme attention from the people around them and therefore tend to seek out Altruists willing to listen to them and support/support them. Their primary characteristic is, in any case, that of being incurable sufferers who, even when things seem to be going well, find ways of destroying or burdening the climate of serenity they have laboriously created. They are dependent on their partners and unwilling to seriously help or support their lovers and friends in turn.
.As a percentage, these are the least present masks, standing at around ten per cent of the total and seeing, due to their passivity, the female principle prevail.
High octave
In the high octave these masks have more experience than all others in the failure of a life bound to the needs of the ego and, for this reason, they become fertile ground for any possible change in the world. Every large cultivated field, after being deeply fertilised, can become home to great trees and all the lushness of which life is capable. Their transformation is total, the transition is from a personality that does not believe in itself at all to one that treasures its past to soothe the wounds of others. People who achieve such a high octave can thus become wonderful helpers, counsellors and partners. They finally feel they can believe in themselves and thus come to believe deeply in others as well. In them, the principles harmonise in the inner world with a previously unimaginable force and create an identity that can enrich any relationship and bond they wish to create.