Eish Shaok Schools


Genoa / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Ceriale / Italy

Lessons: every thursday


Milan / Italy

Lessons: every monday


Vicenza / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bologna / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Rome / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Livorno / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bremen / Germany

Lessons: monthly seminar


Brussels / Belgium

Lessons: monthly seminar


Brunswick / Germany

Lessons: regular seminars


Ours is an eternal love story, an infinite journey through the Universes we carry within. Along the way, you may ask yourself: “How do I recognize the growth of my awareness?” Here are some important signs:

  • The respect you have for yourself is an inner value, independent of others’ judgments.
  • You know what nourishes you and take care of yourself.
  • You have the courage to choose who is by your side.
  • You know and communicate your desires clearly and, where possible, directly.
  • You handle disagreement with listening and understanding, without running away or becoming defensive.
  • You never take anything personally.
  • You are not afraid to change your mind. The idea of change intrigues you.
  • You recognize others’ weaknesses, respect them, and encourage them to mature.
  • You don’t project your pain onto others; you observe it and take care of it.
  • You feel gratitude, even for the most difficult challenges that cross your path.
  • You balance your habits with the search for adventure and the acceptance of change.
  • You do your best to be an example of the world you desire.

Go ahead…

David Simurgh
David Simurgh

European manager for the Eish Shaok International Association. He spreads the principles of spiritual awakening through his work as a teacher, lecturer and writer. To date, he is the author of three first books on the Eish Shaok path: "I will tell you about them I- In the Beginning", "I will tell you about them II- In the Celestial Abode" and "Beyond Yourself". The books can be ordered here: ilgiardinodeilibri.it.

Articles: 375

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