Eish Shaok Schools


Genoa / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Ceriale / Italy

Lessons: every thursday


Milan / Italy

Lessons: every monday


Vicenza / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bologna / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Rome / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Livorno / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bremen / Germany

Lessons: monthly seminar


Brussels / Belgium

Lessons: monthly seminar

Gratitude in adversity

Gratitude happens when a heart feels nourished, even if one’ s legs are shaking and one’ s belly is terribly hungry.

A great mystic named Bayazid prayed to the divine every day, expressing gratitude and thankfulness.

Once, he and his disciples went without anything to eat for three days. In every town they were hunted down, some people were angry with them because they did not follow the laws of the government. But even that night, Bayazid gave thanks. One disciple said, “This is too much. We no longer tolerate it. What do you thank God for?” Bayazid had just said, “You are so good, Life is wonderful. Everything we need He always gives us”. The disciple said, “Now you are exaggerating. We have been hungry for three days and have been driven out of every village and people are looking for us to kill us. And you say, ‘Everything we need you always give us’? What have you given us in three days?”

Bayazid laughed and replied: “He gave us three days of poverty, hunger and people who want our skin. Everything we need, he gives us. That is what is needed.”

You may feel alone at times, marginalised, not understood, but don’t worry about that, it is part of the journey of those like you in this time. Only, if you can, don’t turn God into your enemy, turn him into an opportunity.

A hug in your hour of need

David Simurgh
David Simurgh

European manager for the Eish Shaok International Association. He spreads the principles of spiritual awakening through his work as a teacher, lecturer and writer. To date, he is the author of three first books on the Eish Shaok path: "I will tell you about them I- In the Beginning", "I will tell you about them II- In the Celestial Abode" and "Beyond Yourself". The books can be ordered here: ilgiardinodeilibri.it.

Articles: 357

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