Eish Shaok Schools


Genoa / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Ceriale / Italy

Lessons: every thursday


Milan / Italy

Lessons: every monday


Vicenza / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bologna / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Rome / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Livorno / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bremen / Germany

Lessons: monthly seminar


Brussels / Belgium

Lessons: monthly seminar


Brunswick / Germany

Lessons: regular seminars

The Prayer

Prayer is a poem, a dedication, a wish that bounces and amplifies throughout the Universe and returns to us like a wave.
When you really pray you are not telling God, the divine, what to do, quite the opposite: you are handing yourself over into his hands. How much we need at this time to feel guided, to give ourselves a sincere prayer.

And when his wave returns, it will flood you and all life around you, bringing about a huge, unpredictable, wonderful response to your dedication. So it happens that those who pray for greater courage see opportunities to discover their own courage materialise. Those who ask to find their way will discover how many ways there are to lose themselves in order to return to themselves. To those who seek unconditional love, prayer will not give an open heart, but the opportunity to show love to those whom it would be so much easier to hate and keep away.

Pray then with all your Heart for yourself, and if you wish also for others. Let your words, your dreams, travel to every corner of Creation, until they reach all of us amplified. Pray for those close to you, for strangers, for those who play the villain, for those who still need to renounce themselves, for those who are shrouded in a darkness so penetrating that they no longer have hope even for themselves. And we will be flooded with opportunities for Truth.

For to pray is to surrender our hearts to Existence, to feel grateful to be here, and eager to walk in its Service.

Guide my hand, my voice, my Being, as if they were yours. May you always fulfil your will through me.

A devoted embrace

David Simurgh
David Simurgh

European manager for the Eish Shaok International Association. He spreads the principles of spiritual awakening through his work as a teacher, lecturer and writer. To date, he is the author of three first books on the Eish Shaok path: "I will tell you about them I- In the Beginning", "I will tell you about them II- In the Celestial Abode" and "Beyond Yourself". The books can be ordered here: ilgiardinodeilibri.it.

Articles: 380

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