Eish Shaok Schools


Genoa / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Ceriale / Italy

Lessons: every thursday


Milan / Italy

Lessons: every monday


Vicenza / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bologna / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Rome / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Livorno / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bremen / Germany

Lessons: monthly seminar


Brussels / Belgium

Lessons: monthly seminar


Brunswick / Germany

Lessons: regular seminars

Marvelous Apocalypse

Some are born great, some become great with time, some have greatness imposed on them from above.

How important these last few years have been, our personal, intimate apocalypse. How many people I have met, in forests, cellars, skyscrapers, communities and deserts. How many have abandoned life, how many have totally transformed it. Because every time the world seems to be ending you have, in reality, the marvellous opportunity to make only your world end.

We are surrounded by wonder. Everywhere I go I feel it, this wave of new, renewed hearts, still partly shaken, but ready to open our next chapter.
Child prodigies, free without compromise. Teenagers with sensitivity and total openness to change. Consciences of Women and Men struggling to shed their masks and fly higher. I have only met a tiny part of this Humanity and it never ceases to amaze me.

To all of you who have found yourselves, to those who are searching with dedication, to the explorers who have already marked the path that we will all soon follow, it is time to say “Thank you”. For you could have given up long ago and instead you have renewed your Faith, known the Strength of the Heart, Forgiveness as a gift to yourself, found a Meaning in being here. Everything you desire flows into a world-changing wave every day.

You are not alone. We are together. Thank you.

A post-apocalyptic embrace

David Simurgh
David Simurgh

European manager for the Eish Shaok International Association. He spreads the principles of spiritual awakening through his work as a teacher, lecturer and writer. To date, he is the author of three first books on the Eish Shaok path: "I will tell you about them I- In the Beginning", "I will tell you about them II- In the Celestial Abode" and "Beyond Yourself". The books can be ordered here: ilgiardinodeilibri.it.

Articles: 380

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