Eish Shaok Schools


Genoa / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Ceriale / Italy

Lessons: every thursday


Milan / Italy

Lessons: every monday


Vicenza / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bologna / Italy

Lessons: every tuesday


Rome / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Livorno / Italy

Lessons: fortnightly lessons


Bremen / Germany

Lessons: monthly seminar


Brussels / Belgium

Lessons: monthly seminar

In the Shadow of Lies

You have every right to lie; they have done it to you thousands of times, for entire lives, in many different ways.

Now you can indulge in an incarnation busy with matters that don’t concern you, pretending every day, with a mask on your face. And you would be right: they had talked to you about understanding, respect, love, and freedom… how much hypocrisy have you found along the way. Now you can lie too, play like them.

However, every lie builds a wall. It’s invisible, but your heart feels it clearly. A barrier that distances others, that distances you from the light of Truth. Every time you are not honest about who you are, what you do, your talents and desires, with a fellow traveler, whoever that may be, you are telling yourself: “I don’t consider them worthy of the truth. I don’t trust them, they wouldn’t understand.” And the more often you think this, the bigger the wall that keeps everyone away.

To always lie means not to have hope that things will ever change. It means not giving the world the opportunity to finally bring you a company consistent with you, one that accepts you for who you truly are.

You have every right to hide, who can tell you otherwise? Just ask yourself if this is the way you deserve to live: playing the game of others, like a passing stranger, waiting to return Home.

A sincere hug.

David Simurgh
David Simurgh

European manager for the Eish Shaok International Association. He spreads the principles of spiritual awakening through his work as a teacher, lecturer and writer. To date, he is the author of three first books on the Eish Shaok path: "I will tell you about them I- In the Beginning", "I will tell you about them II- In the Celestial Abode" and "Beyond Yourself". The books can be ordered here: ilgiardinodeilibri.it.

Articles: 357

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