Beyond the Veil of Eros
This is the time of separation, the historical moment that pushes towards a selection among individuals, generations, and ways of being in the world.
Anyone on Earth now is surrounded by waves that either engulf them or that they can choose to ride. In this ocean, everyone will meet and clash, moved by currents until one prevails over the others and charts the course for all of humanity. If this current is Eros, those it leads will not be surprised: it has always inspired them, always involved them, woven everything. The very volume you have in your hands is its child, born with the purpose of remembering the existence of this universal force, honoring its beauty, and establishing that creating intimacy among those who share the same vision is the only condition for realizing it.
Within these pages, Eros will be the protagonist, and its desire for expansion will explode, no longer restrained by any staunch repression, moral judgment, or higher commandment.
So, let this be an invitation to leave all your robes behind and not just stand still. To make this historical period the most opportune moment for educating those ready for reverence, love, and gratitude for Nature and its intelligences mixed within us, in our Spirit, and in the body.
Available in Italian language in bookstores from November 14, 2023.
More Eish Shaok books by Haidehoi David Simurgh in Italian language