A story about love
Our road is paved with clues pointing the way, with ancient promises waiting to be fulfilled. A tale of love that blossoms for eternal seasons, which for some chapters may seem fierce, for others a gentle caress, perfect in every…
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Our road is paved with clues pointing the way, with ancient promises waiting to be fulfilled. A tale of love that blossoms for eternal seasons, which for some chapters may seem fierce, for others a gentle caress, perfect in every…
It is a long journey of falling in love ours, until the moment when we are not used enough, treated badly enough, forgiven enough, met to the end. No one knows when the honeymoon will begin… when the moment will…
Gratitude happens when a heart feels nourished, even if one’ s legs are shaking and one’ s belly is terribly hungry. A great mystic named Bayazid prayed to the divine every day, expressing gratitude and thankfulness. Once, he and his…
In Thy Light I learnt to love,in Thy Beauty to write poetry.You dance in my breast,where no one can see You,but sometimes I see Thee,and that Light becomes this art. At the end of my life,with only one breath left,if…
The first step to leave Home is also the first step to finally return to You. However long and difficult the journey may seem, however much the dance of Light and Darkness may disorient the Heart, there is a place…
Some are born great, some become great with time, some have greatness imposed on them from above. How important these last few years have been, our personal, intimate apocalypse. How many people I have met, in forests, cellars, skyscrapers, communities…
As soon as you cross that threshold you remember that it is not the first time you have been here but that despite this it is always a great pleasure to return. It is a place where you don’t need…
These days I have been invited to visit a place hidden in the mountains. The centuries-old witness of atrocious moments that have passed through the heart of wonderful forests. Its memories still fill the earth and stone all around, its…
Experience will never be enough, it will always be rather a confirmation of what you already know to be true in depth. A manifestation of your qualities as they emerge in the world out there. You only accumulate certainties and…
“Dear David, it’s Cristina, I’m writing to you because my 20-year relationship has now collapsed and the biggest problem is our huge, bloody jealousy. Do you have any advice for me to work on it?” Sweet Cristina, I can assure…